Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The United Nations...of America

They put a Pokemon like they have always done, nothing more than a puppet. They hired ( and they still do ) people who have been filled up to the rim with their so-called "values" in their "best universities' courts".

Thousands of people getting big money and spitting tons of reports no one would read while the fighter jets are bombarding and the submarines are lurking in the seas.

Palestine, Bosnia, Lebanon, Iraq, Sudan and now Somalia and god knows who's next.

Yes! Pee on us Uncle Sam 'cos we're thirsty! It's not your fault..

We're just a pie for you, a bunch of idiots riding camels and enjoying a wealth they don't deserve

These, and their likes, are the ones to blame and to hang

And so are these too for their silence

Where we're heading? to the unknown of course, and if we bump into the bottom, we can still dig in and head even deeper

So next time you tell me UN resolutions, peace process and ceasefire, please spare me 'cos I don't care. Just do what you want, consider me not there or asleep 'cos I am.

Happy New Year Mr. UNA!


Blogger Slaim said...

محمد الورد خلفاوي نائب سابق في البرلمان الجزائري يقول لم أكو يوما من الذين يؤمنون بشيء أسمه هيئة الأمم المتحدة ونحن من الذين تابعوا تاريخها وأدوارها عبر مختلف أرجاء المعمورة، ملخص تقييم هذه الهيئة وكل موضوعية أنها أداة لتبرير هيمنة الأقوياء وآلية للاسترزاق والنهب لمن يُسمون زورا موظفو الأمم المتحدة وفضيحة النفط مقابل الغذاء دليل على ذلك

9:39 AM  
Blogger Zizou From Djerba said...

I think you need to take some classes in political science ! I would never endorse such statements.

10:38 AM  
Blogger Slaim said...

You don't have to be a political scientist or even take some classes here and there to assess the extent of the decay the UN has been going through since the end of the cold war. maybe they're doing a good job at the economic/social/environmental level but when it comes to peace keeping or implementing their own resolutions (did you say Israel?), you know the story better that I do.

12:30 AM  

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